Kevin Buehler

Kevin J. Buehler has over thirty years of experience in the healthcare industry. He spent the majority of his career with Alcon Laboratories, a publicly traded ophthalmology-focused healthcare company where he served as CEO. At Alcon, Mr. Buehler rose through the commercial organization as the company’s sales revenue increased from roughly $300 million to over $11 billion. He oversaw the company’s sale to Novartis and subsequently served as Alcon division head within Novartis. Mr. Buehler holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Carroll University in Waukesha, WI, with concentrations in Business Administration and Political Science. He graduated from the Harvard Program for Management Development in 1993. Mr. Buehler currently serves on the Board of Directors of Read Fort Worth, a non-profit organization, with prior Board service at Alcon Laboratories, Acelity, and United Way Tarrant County. He was formerly a Trustee of Carroll University and Compliance Committee Chairman of AdvaMed.